Give more political attention to manufacturing applied research.
Manufacturing Research & Innovation Petition
By the European Factories of the Future Research Association (EFFRA)

Give more political attention to manufacturing applied research.
Manufacturing Research & Innovation Petition
By the European Factories of the Future Research Association (EFFRA)
European manufacturing has equipped European citizens and workers with wealth, security and comfort and continues to do so.
Europe has historically led in technological innovation, and the signatories of this petition believe that we can re-gain the position as producers of the most innovative products and systems globally.

Why this petition matters
We, the signatories of this petition, urge policymakers to give more political attention to manufacturing and to allocate more funding to manufacturing applied research.
European manufacturing has equipped European citizens and workers with wealth, security and comfort and continues to do so. Europe has historically led in technological innovation, and the signatories of this petition believe that we can regain the position as producers of the most innovative products and systems globally.
Manufacturing serves as the foundation for addressing and mastering the challenges facing our European continent. It plays a crucial role in creating quality jobs, achieving full circularity in production, overcoming skills shortages, decarbonising transport and energy, adapting to societal changes, and developing defence systems. By prioritising manufacturing, we can effectively tackle these challenges and ensure a prosperous future for Europe.
All these challenges require the European industry to be more resilient regarding technologies, manufacturing capacity and value chains.
Manufacturing and research in this field are inherently interlinked, both of which are crucial for European progress. Support for manufacturing research is essential at all levels – European, national and regional – to ensure we remain competitive in technological advancement and global competition.
Therefore, in Framework Porgramme 10, a significant part of the activities should be earmarked for manufacturing research, mainly through the Made in Europe Partnership, by doubling the funding and making the process efficient and fast, to attract industry and deliver better and faster results.
The collaboration and synergies between the Made in Europe Partnership and sector-specific or technology-specific initiatives need to be intensified and well- coordinated. We must igear up our efforts to establish a unified and effective approach to addressing our manufacturing challenges. Recognising the interconnected nature of manufacturing research and product development is crucial.